Our School
About Wasson Elementary
At Wasson Elementary, we are committed to the academic achievement and developmental needs of our students. Our curriculum addresses the needs of the whole child—academically, socially, and emotionally— and adheres to Pennsylvania Learning Standards in all subjects, including the core areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
A Message From Our Principal
Welcome to our website! We are proud to offer this communication vehicle, where you can keep up to date and informed about all our amazing programs and activities.
We recognize the importance of involving parents in the educational process. Research shows that when parents are actively involved in school, their children are absent less often, behave better, and, therefore, achieve more. Please visit our office and find out how you can get involved.
Contact Us:
Please visit or call any time during the school day; we are always happy to see or speak with you. We look forward to working with you and your child.
Licensed Nurse
Ms. Shelbi Zimmerman
Guidance Counselor
Ms. Janet Zimmerman
Phone Numbers
Phone: (814) 371-6171
Fax: (814) 371-8635
300 Wasson Ave.
DuBois, PA 15801
Fast Facts
School: Wasson Elementary
District: DuBois ASD
Serving: K–4
Population: 300
Colors: Black, White, and Red
Mascot: Beavers
Our school day begins at 9:00 a.m. and dismisses at 3:30 p.m.